Polity and Society

Why I hate Capitalism!

Just Until the time I moved to Cairo, earlier last year, I saw communism as a mere economic ideology that does nothing but limit the deserving rich and deprive them of their financial freedom while providing lazy losers with privileges they did not earn and, consequently, saw capitalism as justice. As someone who lived in nowhere but Dubai all my life, I simply did not know what poverty was and saw it as a ... [Read More] 

Media in the time of the Brotherhood 

Egypt has always been known to be an extremely democratic country. Okay, that's a lie, let me rephrase, Egypt has always been known to be an extremely democratic country. in relativity to its neighbors. Unfortunately, this has been changing!

Over the past year, The Muslim Brotherhood’s members have nearly taken over all executive, legislative and judicial positions in Egypt. Whether you are a supporter of their core beliefs, views and tactics, it remains a fact that this phenomenon has not been a very successful one seeing the protests that seem to be happening everywhere lately in Egypt. To avoiding getting off point, I would... [Read More]
Globalization: A Ploy?

I still can’t fully embrace the fact that we are in 2013. It feels, for some reason, like a date from another world. Regardless, we’re in that inevitable year, 2013, and it is known that, the number 13 is synonymous with bad luck. Yet, this is not what worries me about entering into the realm of the New Year. What does is that every year drags us further into the complex web of globalization. I bet you’re wondering, “Why so hating? It’s really all about the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture, right? At least that’s what Wikipedia says?” Well, for once, Wikipedia is mistaken!... [Read More]
Fools Into Tyrants!

You’re probably reading this on the 28th January after I have posted it around midday. What you don’t know is that I wrote this around midnight on the day before while craving for a dreamy sleep, but pushed myself into it to avoid the ideas disappearing into nothingness during my sleep. I was worried about posting it then fearing for my safety but after a brain conflict... [Read More]

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