Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Project Runway - S11E04:
The Ultimate Hard and Soft

Over the seasons, I always found the unconventional challenges extremely enjoyable and interesting simply because they sometimes manage to reveal the designers’ open-mindedness and creativity. Unfortunately though, in some cases, it manages to highlight their eccentricities and flaws.

The fact that the shows’ creators gave the designers the opportunity to mix between the soft and hard was also a rather intriguing choice that got me excited for this episode to start! The challenge was a two-day one with an extremely high budget of $2500 per team to design six cohesive looks. In the beginning, I felt that the teaming was rather unjust since Dream Team only had five contestants left while team Keepin’ it real was intact. This was ultimately solved by Tim Gunn when he gave Dream Team the opportunity to take two designers from Team Keepin’ it real. They ingeniously chose Layana and Stanley. On the other hand Team Keepin’ it real was given the opportunity to take one from Dream Team. To my surprise, they all seemed to agree on Michelle even though I see Benjamin as a more worthy contestant with higher potential. Another thing I completely disliked is that most designers seem to regard Patricia as a weak link while I find her eccentric ideas genius.

During Caucus time, Dream Team seemed to give Stanley the leadership role while Team Keepin’ it real, functioned collaboratively with no evident leader. The sketch work produced gave me an impression that we were not in for a fabulous runway. As always, Amanda was bitching about the challenge. Since ALL the challenges don’t seem to satisfy her, WHY IS SHE HERE? Another question, why has Benjamin been wearing the same shirt for three challenges now?

In the Workroom
Amanda’s moss (which is the material she chose for her dress) kept falling off. I find it inefficient that she didn’t check about that during shopping. Team Keepin’ it real seemed to struggle a lot, unlike in the former challenges. The looks weren’t cohesive. On the other hand, Dream Team’s Benjamin Mach seemed to be doing the same mistake he always does which is sketching something completely unachievable in the tiny time frame.

Once Tim’s critique came, Team Keepin’ it real seemed a bit more on time. The connecting factor in this case was that they all had an Avant Garde edge to them. I was blown away by Michelle and Richard’s piece though. I wasn’t impressed that he has been using leather looking material for two weeks now. C’mon, where’s the versatility? Like in the past, I saw Patricia’s dress as something with potential, yet eccentric. Joe’s was just UGLY which was proven to me even further during model fitting! Amanda’s looked like something that a sexy Santa would wear and I loved the silvery thingies (excuse my mime vocabulary when it comes to hardware utilities) on top which looked like a necklace. Kate’s looked a little crafty and beauty pageant looking. Cohesion was still an issue.

Dream Team seemed to have been much more organized this time. The general theme of their collection was Dior. Layana had a beautiful edge to her Victorian dress and Tu’s vest was AMAZING! I want that vest! Surprisingly, while micromanaging everyone else, witch success, Stanley’s was the only one to lack the sophistication that Dream Team brought to the table. Benjamin’s weaving was interesting and intricate. BRAVO! Samantha’s was weird and confusing.

On the Runway!
The show started with Team Keepin’ It Real. For the first time ever, Daniel’s dress wasn’t good. It was plain hideous. Joseph’s look was equally detestable. I suddenly lost faith in my favourite team. The look that Michelle and Rachel gave was beautiful but I didn’t like the rustic feel. Patricia’s was interesting as well. Amanda’s was over the top but it really was the only way to hide the inadequacy of the moss material. I don’t blame her. Kate’s was by far my favourite. I feel like Kate is suddenly growing on me. She took a risk and, to me, it paid off. That dress represented sophistication, beauty and hard work. Overall, it’d give the team a 3.
Moving on to Dream Team, Matthew finally produced something that was worth my attention. That piece was fierce, fabulous and I could swear I would’ve never guessed belonged to the unconventional challenge. Stanley’s look was intricate and looked fitting for a princess in the prehistoric times. Tu’s vest was amazing but I despised the skirt. Don’t mean to sound racist but his English is starting to get on my nerves as well! Benjamin’s intricate piece finally satisfied my belief that he is one of the best in the competition. I feel like once he stopped micromanaging everyone, he was able to focus on the greatness that is his aesthetic. It is my belief that he should have won this challenge. I loved Samantha’s use of contrasting material. Nevertheless, her piece wasn’t a frontrunner. It did manage to show a silhouette that is, while similar to Daniel’s, had a unique touch of sophistication. Layana’s piece reminded me of Gone with the wind for some reason. I love it nevertheless. This young woman manages to impress me week after week.

I believe Dream Team aced the challenge this time and were way better than Team Keepin’ it real. I’m surprised Heidi said it was such a close run.

I was repulsed by the fact that all members of Team Keepin’ it real threw Amanda right under the bus even though her piece was one of my personal favourites. Layana and Benjamin being in the top three was adequate. What shocked me was Samantha being placed in the same category. The finishing was a hot mess, for Christ’s sake! I disagree with Zac Posen who claimed that Amanda’s proportions were off. They seemed fine on screen. Joseph’s was terrible but I actually found Daniel’s way worse.

I feel like the elimination choice was unjust this time. Daniel’s dress wasn’t even considered for the bottom three. It was plain weird! The fact that Samantha won was equally weird. C’mon, I would’ve understood Layana taking the win from Benjamin’s trendy floral piece but Samantha! WHY?!

After a very dismal episode, the ending suspended us all in midair wondering what was yet to come!

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