Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Art Of Writing

I was never diagnosed with ADHD but with the way my brain runs, and the way I am always all over the place, I’m not surprised that all my friends would go to their graves swearing I have it.

The brain is an intense place where there’s always something occurring, be it a debate, revelation or a captivating obsession that haunts you. As a person who is always defined as, ‘over the top’, struggling to get everything done on time for my magazine, while studying to ace an exam, right after going for a night out in the time, this is especially true for me. The stress and confusion that capture me, trying to keep up with my present as I dream and contemplate about my future leads to the fact that my brain is probably busier than Grand Central Station.

When it all becomes too much, this is when writing comes in. To a majority, writing is merely they tool they use to get their homework done or to fill up the groceries’ list. I see that as a degradation of the word. Writing is an intriguing art where you communicate with someone. To Tina Brown, it’s an audience of millions but to me, it is probably the handful who read my blog, you guys, or probably just me in the case of my diary.

The touch of the sharpened pencil magnetizes your fingers as it makes a frictional sound across paper that your soul hears as a soft, sensational lullaby merely begging your fingers to go on and on. It’s a sensation that hits your body out of nowhere, swoops over you bringing shivers down your spine and knocks on your brain asking to be let out to the world, be it a fashion article, a poem or a script.

Moreover, writing brings about change in the way we function in our everyday life as we are suddenly engulfed by positivity as you instantaneously feel a burden lifted off your back. Your aura brightens and you become a more radiant individual. So if you’re feeling exhausted, tired, depressed, or even betrayed, remember, a swooping, embracing hug awaits you an article away. Sharpen your pencils, ladies and gentlemen, it works better than antidepressants!

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