Wednesday, January 2, 2013


My dearest readers,
I have decided to start this blog for several reasons, many of which I find very obnoxious and probably egotistic such as keeping the literary talents I claim exist within me alive and going or the fact that I am using it as training for when I become an editor in The New York Review. Regardless, I am here to stay and while some say, “Blogging is so 2008”, I say, “Let’s bring it back!”

The topic I choose to kick off with is New Year’s since it was a mere two days away. This particular holiday signifies globalization to me more than any other simply because, other than the Chinese, all the seven billion citizens of the world celebrate it. While I was eating Turkey, (my traditional Egyptian family tends to blur the line between Thanksgiving and New Year’s) I wondered, what would it be like if all seven billion of us united on a single cause this year? What if every one of us, regardless of religion, race, gender or sexual orientation, from Cairo to New York to Tokyo decided to cooperate on a venture for once, be it, climatic change, illiteracy eradication or even something as simple as marriage equality?

Too much of Utopia, don’t you think? Too idealistic? Well, you do have a point! Will it happen? Definitely not…

But shouldn’t we at least try? What if we actually work towards that cause and achieve it in a decade instead of a year? Better late than never, right? You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one… Rings a bell, doesn’t it? Well, it’s a John Lennon song. He called for a similar cause a couple of decades ago, when the world was a better place, yet nobody listened, Will we now?

And at this I conclude my first article and wish you all a very happy year ahead! Catch You Later!

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