Friday, January 4, 2013

My dearest readers,
Prior to a mishap (more like mistake) that occurred earlier today, my intention was to write a review about the latest version of Les Misérables, the musical movie, also Broadway classic, that released earlier this week. However, since, I’m currently grounded for two weeks and don’t have the liberty to go watch it, I have decided to take on a different topic, that is, Parenting.

To nearly all of us out there, our parents played a vital role in the process of shaping us to be who we are today. For most, this has been for the better, yet for a minority, not always so much. Looking from a parent’s perspective, they always think they’re doing what’s right for the little ones and, in reality, for the first dozen years of our lives, what they do is really helpful on your way to become a vital organ in the complex society that shapes our world.

I stop agreeing with parents’ way, on the other hand, with teenagers. In our years as teenagers, our parents are still under the belief that what they’re doing is for our best, yet, they start being confronted with the choice of making the decision to treat us a kids or adults, and they usually end up confusing us by mixing between their head which clearly states that we are young adults mature enough to make our decisions ourselves (at least most of them) and their heart which is thinking, Oh, He’s still my little baby boy/girl.

My point is, if you’re a parent and reading this blog right now, understand that sometimes a teenager is actually mature enough to make life decisions. And sometimes the little decisions they've made are a contribution to the identity that they have chosen to be in this world. When you conflict on this decision to contribute to the life that you've envisioned for them, not only is it hard but infuriating. Moreover, my tip would be to remember that little words could have devastating consequences. Believe me, I know.

And now I conclude another post which is probably just as geeky and weird as the first one. I mean, what parent will take advice from a fifteen year old? :D

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